Sample Report



 The report contains the following:
・Your animal type and its characteristics
・Analysis of your genotype
・Diet plan radar chart
・Advice for the exercise, healthy food and supplement and meal for you

 User name and password are listed in the report ・ you can use them to log into your account in the user page of the website.

Your animal type and its characteristics

 This describes your animal type and its features.
The “easy to control weight” type, the type with body constitution related to fat such as “which type can easily accumulate visceral fat” and “which type can easily accumulate subcutaneous fat” as well as the type that has high or low metabolism for carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
In addition, because the information on the results include your basal metabolic rate and recommended daily calorie intake, you can easily know the amount of calorie that you should take.

Genetic Analysis Results

 This describes your genetic analysis results.
Shape On, Shape Up will report the results of your genetic analysis using 3 obesity genes and 1 important generalized obesity gene (β3AR, UCP1, PRARGC1A, β2AR). If you look at the results, you will know what kind of work each gene does and who has the same genotype as yourself.

Diet Plan Radar Chart

 『Exercise』 ・ 『Healthy Food and Supplement』 ・『Meal』 The radar chart displays 10 items for an effective diet plan from three different fields!!
You can tell at a glance which diet plan is effective for you.
Every method is effective and thus, if you make the effort for the diet plan, it would also be effective for you!!
This is to easily understand the radar chart.

Advice in the 3 areas of exercise ・ healthy food and supplement ・ meal

 From the results of your genetic analysis, pharmacists and nutrition experts will introduce diet plans suited to your body type.
In the field of exercise, you will be introduced to easy fat burning exercises, aerobic exercises and self-weight at home for your body type.
Exercise videos are available for watching on the website.
For the healthy food and supplements, we will introduce ingredients and supplements suited to your body type for your diet plan supervised by pharmacists such as protein and enzyme diet, fat burning system supplement, and absorption cut supplement. You do not have to worry about choosing supplements anymore.
For the meal part, we will introduce ingredients that would suit your body type under the supervision of a dietician.
Through the help of this diet plan, daily shopping would be fun and easy such as looking at what ingredients are low in calories or low in sugar and what will increase your basal metabolism.


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